
Ensure Pension

Ensure Pension, part of Ensure, has been advising companies on insurance and pension schemes for over 20 years from their offices in Aarhus, Odense, and Copenhagen. As a pension broker, Ensure Pension taps into their expertise to help clients through the jungle of providers to find the right pension solution.

Working closely with clients, Ensure Pension conducts interviews and meetings to gain a deep understanding of each client’s needs, corporate culture, history, and future journey. With such a high level of service, a central IT system with an overview of key client information, such as webCRM, is essential.  

  • "It is clear it has led to some changed business processes for us, but the product has been very well received; It is super innovative, it is easy and simple to approach, and that is essentially what we need in our everyday life"

Although Ensure is a large company, all employees are involved when new IT initiatives are introduced. Prior to implementation, relevant employees are consulted to ensure seamless integration into their workflows and initiatives. Additionally, internal webinars are conducted to fully familiarise them with new functions and their daily use.

Ensure’s success with their CRM solution hinges on its centrality to all employee workflows. If you need help from a colleague, it happens in webCRM. If you need to take time off and hand over a case, it happens in webCRM. Tight timelines and extensive use of the "activities" function ensure mutual support amongst employees and swift progress tracking of each client’s journey.

A CRM system doesn’t become central in a company unless it can handle all core functions. With webCRM, Ensure was able to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Exchange for both calendar and mail, their backend system via API, e-conomic, and most recently the signature solution Visma Addo, effectively streamlining workflows.  

In fact, webCRM initiated its partnership with Visma Addo to meet Ensure's desire for a signature solution that aligns with their requirements, seeing that it was value-creating integration capable of benefiting customers in several different industries.  

The choice of Visma Addo was driven by its top-notch security — as Ensure mainly handles sensitive personal information — and compatibility with both individual and business needs. Back-office employees, who handle all administrative work with new customers at Ensure, went from manually collecting signatures, then scanning and archiving them, to being able to send documents for signature with NemID to involved parties with just a few clicks.

By integrating document signing into webCRM, Ensure digitises a significant portion of their back-office workflow, enabling seamless task handover in the case of holidays or illness. Along with other measures, such as two-factor authentication at login, Visma Addo’s integration with webCRM contributes to their workplace with a high level of security, regardless of employee location. 

Want to read more? Here some related cases.

SAM International

SAM International is successfully using a recruitment and CRM system in one solution. 



For 10 years, the Danish consultancy firm ChangeGroup has automated the company's data by using webCRM.



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