
Marsden Direct

5 years ago in a converted chapel in Coalville, Marsden Direct employed a staff of 8 people and were turning over £400,000. This year they employ 26 people and are on course to earn £2.6 million. This is a fantastic amount of growth in a short period of time. There are plenty of reasons the company has been so successful, and their use of webCRM is one of them.

The company, which has been running for nearly 30 years, started out doing bespoke exhibition stands, and have evolved into print and modern displays, both for exhibitions and in the retail sector, with customers in the UK and Europe.

It is impossible to say that just one thing is responsible for their rise. Hard work and dedication are necessary for any successful business, but Marsden Direct regularly review their approach and look closely at what is working for them and their customers, and where they can do better.

Target specific customer groups

Behind the scenes is where Marsden Direct credit webCRM for helping their growth. They are able to go back and look at any specific set of data they want. They are able to look at past clients in order to analyse what worked and what didn’t. It is easy for them to find out where, when, and how they helped either a specific customer or group of customers.

There are multiple avenues that they can use webCRM to help their business. During their telesales process, it allows them to capture and record all the relevant data that is then accessible in one place throughout the rest of their customers’ journey with them. They are then able to go back to their client base and use the system in order to target specific customer groups for email campaigns.

As their approach has evolved over the last few years they have evolved their system six times. As their company evolves, webCRM evolves with them. These have not been slight tweaks to get webCRM working exactly the way they want, these have been six large-scale changes to adapt to new ideas and processes that became necessary as Marsden direct grew. Today all of their reports are done in-house so they can filter out whatever information they want. This allows them to understand what sells and what doesn’t.

webCRM can be used by anyone

Their most recent evolution has seen them move into the retail market. webCRM has helped Marsden by allowing them to import all their new product codes from one spreadsheet into the system so they can locate all the information relating to a product in one place.

It is important that a CRM system is user-friendly too. Marsden Direct are proof that webCRM can be used by anyone, with everyone from management to new starters using the system daily as part of their job. Every user has their own login, and different people in the company have different levels of access.

Marsden Direct is a perfect example of how simple CRM can be. It is easy to use and has grown alongside the company’s needs. A solid business model and hard work are by webCRM, which has helped the company’s growth and will continue to do so as they continue to evolve. They have already started discussing how webCRM can help them with their future goals.